Blushed by Veronica

Intro to Blushed

blogger, fashion, makeup, beauty, lifestyleVeronica Moss

I FINALLY Pushed The Publish Button!

I have been dreaming of starting my blog for over 2 years now. With so many ideas in my head I let all of my insecurities, lack of time and the fear of rejection hold me back. One of my goals this New Year was to finally just DO IT!

Today, I celebrate another year of life, so I thought it would be a great way to take the leap of faith and start.


I am business owner, wife, mother, grandmother and coffee lover. I am excited to not only share a glimpse into my personal life but my passion for sustainable fashion, styling and beauty.

This will be a place to find out what trends are in, where to shop, styling and makeup tips and many more topics that encompass all things fashion and beauty.


I can’t remember a time that I wasn’t seeking the latest fashion. Always reading magazines and not being scared to try new styles. This is me at 15 only dreaming of what my future in fashion would be like.

Thank you for taking the time to read my quick introduction, I am so excited to start this new journey with you!

With love,

Veronica Moss